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Taekwondo is known for its emphasis on high kicking and fast hand techniques, which distinguishes it from other popular martial arts and combat sports such as karate. However, the World Taekwondo Federation (WTF) believes that because the leg is the longest and strongest limb a martial artist has, kicks therefore have the greatest potential to execute powerful strikes with the least chance of retaliation.


Taekwondo as a martial art is popular with people of both genders and of many ages. Physically, taekwondo develops strength, speed, balance, flexibility, and stamina. An example of the union of mental and physical discipline is the breaking of wooden boards, bricks, or tiles, which requires both physical mastery of the technique and mental concentration to focus one's power.


Although each taekwondo club or school is different, a student at Life Quest typically takes part in most or all of the following:

  • Learning the techniques and curriculum of taekwondo

  • Both anaerobic and aerobic workout, including stretching

  • Self-defense techniques

  • Forms

  • Sparring  which may include 1-step sparring, free-style sparring, arranged sparring, point sparring, and other types

  • Life Skills such as respect, confidence, self defense, and integrity

Lineage: Mitsuyo Maeda > Carlos Gracie> Carlson Gracie> Rodrigo Medeiros > Samuel Puccio > John Episcopo
You may have seen or heard how effective Brazillian Jiu Jitsu can be and you are considering devoting your time to BJJ training, but you are wondering what to expect. Jiu Jitsu emphasizes ground fighting techniques to prevail in a physical battle with an opponent. These techniques mostly consist of submission holds involving joint locks or chokes based on the idea that you can negate the advantage of an opponent's strikes, even a larger or stronger one, by taking them to the ground. Joint locks typically involve creating leverage and pain in an opponent's limb to the point they surrender, the limb is broken or joint destroyed. A choke hold usually disrupts an opponent's oxygen and blood supplies to the brain, again causing either submission or unconsciousness. All this might cause one to wonder: how is it possible to train long-term without getting seriously hurt?
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Training Methods
Obviously, since this is a combat system and is so highly effective, certain limits and parameters are necessary in training. Otherwise few students could manage to keep their bodies intact long enough to ever master the principles of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. On the other hand, BJJ prizes effectiveness of techniques above all in training, so they want to keep training methods as close to "real" as possible without permanently hurting students. Jiu Jitsu's focus on submissions without the use of strikes does allow for students to practice many throws and techniques at full speed and strength, allowing for more rapid development than some other forms.
A large part of training includes technique drills where moves are practiced against a non-resisting partner. In BJJ, achieving a dominant position over an opponent on the ground is critical, so much time is devoted to "position drills" where more dangerous finishing moves are not performed. Physical conditioning is a primary component of training at many Brazilian-style clubs, and of course full sparring (known as "randori") is eventually incorporated into the curriculum when the student is ready.
Belt System Advancement and Promotions
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu training differs a lot from other martial arts in the area of grading and belt promotion. Grading is largely based on every-day observation in training as opposed to ceremonial tests. Less emphases is giving to the theoretical and background knowledge and instead advancement in belt rank is almost exclusively based on practical results in randori. In contrast, Judo belts are attained not just by randori competition but also knowledge of techniques' Japanese names and Kata demonstrations. Also there is usually a big difference in how fast belt advancement can be achieved by students compared to non-Brazilian Jiu Jitsu training. In Brazilian Jiu Jitsu training, especially in Gracie Family affiliated schools, a black belt cannot be achieved in less than 8 to 10 years of solid training. Also almost all require the age of 19 before achieving black belt regardless of total years of training. Many other schools and styles allow children to become black belts before reaching adulthood.

      Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu


Taekwondo - Kids

The adult program is for teens and adults ages 13 and up. This class is structured for the individual contributor. Everyone learns at their own pace. The common misconception that adults have is that they need to get in shape before they come to class. This could not be further from the truth. You come to class to get into shape, not the other way around. Our goal is to take you wherever you are and make you better. Taekwondo and BJJ training also inspires a certain confidence that you can defend yourself and your family in the event of an unfortunate incident that would require you to neutralize your opponent.

Taekwondo and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu - Adults

The children's taekwondo program is for kids age 7-12. In this class, we focus on life skills that are important for this age group. The classes are geared to be fun and exciting while maintaining discipline and respect through class. Our goal is to partner with parents in order to reinforce the positive changes that occur during the students training at Life Quest. (BJJ training is for ages 9-12.)




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